
Common off-flavor compounds, including geosmin (GSM) and 2-methylisoborneol (MIB), bioaccumulate in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar cultured in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) resulting in earthy and musty taints that are unacceptable to consumers. To remediate off-flavor from market-ready salmon, RAS facilities generally relocate fish to separate finishing systems where feed is withheld and makeup water with very low to nondetectable GSM and MIB levels is rapidly exchanged, a process known as depuration. Several procedural aspects that affect salmon metabolism and the associated rate of off-flavor elimination, however, have not been fully evaluated. To this end, a study was carried out to assess the effects of swimming speed and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration on GSM levels in water and fish flesh during a 10-day depuration period. Atlantic salmon (5–8 kg) originally cultured in a semi-commercial-scale RAS (150 m3 tank) were exposed to a concentrated GSM bath before being transferred to 12 replicated partial reuse depuration systems (5.4 m3 total volume). Two swimming speeds (0.3 and 0.6 body lengths/sec) and two DO levels (90% and 100% O2 saturation) were applied using a 2 × 2 factorial design (N = 3), and each system was operated with a 5-h hydraulic retention time, creating a water flushing to biomass ratio of 151 L/kg fish biomass/day. Geosmin was assessed at Days 0, 3, 6, and 10 in system water and salmon flesh. A borderline effect (P = 0.064; 0.068) of swimming speed was measured for water and fish, respectively, at Day 3, where slightly lower GSM was associated with low swimming speed (0.3 body lengths/sec); however, differences were not detected at Days 6 or 10 when salmon are commonly removed for slaughter. Overall, this research indicates that significant improvements in GSM depuration from RAS-produced Atlantic salmon are not expected when purging with swimming speeds and DO concentrations similar to those tested during this trial.

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