
Porous media surface roughness strongly influences the transport of solutes during drainage due to the formation of thick water films (capillary condensation) on the surface of the porous medium. For interfacially-reacted, water-based solutes, these water films increase both the solute production at the fluid-fluid interface, due to the increased number of fluid-fluid interfaces, and the loss of the solute due to retention in the water films. This study applied a pore-scale, direct numerical simulation with the phase-field method-based continuous solute transport model to simulate the reactive transport of the kinetic interfacial sensitive tracer. The study is implemented during primary drainage in a 2D slit with rough solid walls, where the fractal geometries of the solid surfaces were generated numerically. The moving interfacial area is found to be changing non-monotonically with the root mean square of surface roughness. With increasing root mean square roughness, the average film thickness increases linearly, whereas the film-associated interfacial area per smooth surface area converges to a value slightly larger than one. The retention of the solute mass produced by the moving meniscus in the water film is observed, and this is described by a film-associated mobile mass retention term. An implicit relation between the mobile interfacial area and the solute mass in flowing zones is found. Finally, it is found that the film-associated mobile mass retention term is linearly related to the root mean square roughness.

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