
AbstractThe effects of five sulfhydryl (SH) reagents – N‐ethylmaleimide (NEM), a spin‐labeled maleimide (SLM), N‐N′‐phenylenedimaleimide (PPDM), bis(4‐fluoro‐3‐nitrophenyl)sulfone (FNS), and carboxypyridine disulfide (CPDS) – on glycerol‐treated, Triton X‐100‐demembranated ciliary axonemes of Tetrahymena, on the 30S and 14S dyneins extracted from such axonemes, and on the residual ATPase activity remaining associated with axonemes that have been extracted twice with Tris‐EDTA have been examined as a function of pH in the range 6.9–8.6.Preincubation of axonemes and of solubilized 30S dynein with low concentrations of each of the five SH reagents, at 0°C and at 25°C, caused enhancement of the latent ATPase activity. PPDM was the most effective reagent, causing half‐maximal enhancement (after 18 h at 0°C) at ∼ 0.5 μM, corresponding to 0.19 moles/105 g axonemal protein. The rate constants, ka, for the enhancement reaction at 0°C depended on whether the 30S dynein was in situ or solubilized; the ratio ka (in situ) /ka (solubilized) was > 1 for NEM, ∼ 1 for PPDM, and < 1 for FNS. For each SH reagent except CPDS, ka (at 0°C) increased markedly with increasing pH in the range pH 6.9–8.6; for CPDS ka increased only about fourfold.At long times of preincubation and high concentrations of NEM, SLM, PPDM, and CPDS, the enhancement of ATPase activity was followed by a loss of activity. The values of kL, the rate constants for loss of ATPase activity from the peak enhanced level, were much lower than the corresponding values for ka, and increased with increasing pH. With SLM and PPDM, inhibition continued until the ATPase activity was almost completely inhibited. With NEM, however, the initial rate of loss from the peak enhanced value decreased as the ATPase activity returned toward the control (unmodified) level, and further inhibition was very slow. The differences in degree of inhibition obtained with SLM as compared to NEM suggest that there are at least two classes of inhibitory SH groups on 30S dynein.The ATPase activity of 14S dynein was only inhibited by preincubation with NEM, SLM, PPDM, and, to a lesser extent, CPDS; kL increased with increasing pH. Preincubation of 14S dynein with FNS yielded conflicting results when the reaction was “stopped” by adding dithiothreitol. When 14S dynein was preincubated at 0 C with FNS and the ATPase activity was then assayed at 25°C, a biphasic pattern of enhancement followed by inhibition was obtained.The residual ATPase activity of twice‐extracted axomenes was relatively insensitive to each of the SH reagents studied; an initial rapid loss of some 20–40% of the ATPase activity occurred, followed by a very slow further loss of activity. Increasing the pH increased this slow rate of inhibition. The residual ATPase activity of unmodified twice‐extracted axonemes decreased slightly with increasing pH, in contrast to the slight increase observed with increasing pH for the ATPase activity of axonemes and of solubilized 30S and 14S dyneins.The presence of ATP during preincubation of axonemes with PPDM at O°C prevented the enhancement of ATPase activity; only a slow loss of ATPase activity was observed. This rate of loss of ATPase activity was slower than the rate of loss observed (after peak enhancement of activity was reached) when PPDM reacted with axonemes in the absence of ATP. In these properties the SH groups of 30s dynein responsible for the enhancement of latent ATPase activity and for the inhibition of ATPase activity do not resemble the SH1 and SH2 groups of myosin, respectively, since the presence of ATP increases the rates of reaction of SH1 and SH2 of myosin with SH reagents.

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