
Dunaliella salina is a marine alga which can be quite easily maintained in culture (Ryther, 1959; Marre' et al., 1959; Epply et al., 1966; Drokova et al., 1974). The fact that the alga is extremely euryhaline and eurythermal (Kanwisher, 1957) makes it a highly relevant alga for heavy metal pollution studies, because of its wide ecological distribution. Very little work has so far been done on the effects of pollutants on the marine green flagellate Dunaliella salina (Teod). Walsh et ai.(1971) found that Dunaliella, under treatment with urea herbicides, reduced its carbohydrate content, although the alga seemed to be the most resistent of the six marine algae that had been studied. Saraiva (1973) used the algae Duna!iella and Lebestes to analyse the toxicity of several heavy metals to oxygen production. Saraiva et al. (1975) have also studied the uptake of 51Cr and I~ by Dunaliella bioculata. Overnell (1975) has studied the effects of various heavy metals on photosynthesis and loss of cell potassium in Dunaliella tertiolecta. Herein we report our observations on the effects of copper and lead on growth and pigment composition of this alga.

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