
To compare the performance of steer calves managed under different stocking rates (SR; 3.7, 6.2, 8.6, and 11.1 steers/ha for 140 d; chi(I1)) and N fertilization rates (112, 224, and 336 kg of N/ha; chi(I2)) in May 1996, 1997, and 1998, 72 steer calves (BW = 231 +/- 2.5 kg) were assigned randomly to one of 12 0.81-ha dallisgrass (51%)/common bermudagrass (32%) pastures. One-third of the fertilizer was applied in the form of ammonium nitrate in May, June, and August to achieve the prescribed totals. Treatments were separated using a polynomial regression equation: gammai = beta0 + beta1chi(I1) + beta2chi(I2) + beta(11)chi2(I1) + beta(12)chi2(I2) + beta(12)chi(i1)chi(i2) + epsilonI, with years as replicates. Within the range of the data, ADG and BW gain per steer were greatest at a stocking rate of 3.7 steers/ha and 336 kg/ha of N. Body weight gain per hectare peaked at 701 kg when cattle were stocked at 8.9 steers/ha and the pasture was fertilized with 336 kg/ha of N. The least cost of production was at a stocking rate of 3.7 steers/ha, with 112 kg/ha of fertilizer N applied, and the greatest cost of production was at a stocking rate of 11.1 steers/ha with 336 kg/ha of fertilizer N applied. Fertilization at 336 kg/ha of N produced the most profitable stocking rate at 7.3 steers/ha and returned 355.64 dollars. The optimal stocking rate for net return was 79, 81, and 82% of that for maximum BW gain per hectare for 112, 224, and 336 kg/ha of N, respectively. Under the assumptions made in the financial analysis, these data show that the economically optimal carrying capacity of similar pastures can be increased with N fertilizer up to at least 336 kg/ha annually.

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