
The aim of this study was to evaluate whether spontaneous physical exercise can modify cancer anorexia and cachexia in tumour-bearing rats. Two transplantable experimental tumours were evaluated. Tumour-bearing Wistar Furth rats fed ad libitum and with free access to a running wheel had a delayed onset of anorexia compared with their non-exercised tumour-bearing controls, retained normal behaviour and were able to run the same daily distance as non-tumour controls until the onset of cachexia. Exercise resulted in a decreased carcass wet weight and lipid stores but in an increased carcass dry weight in the tumour-bearing animals. Despite increased food intake, physical exercise resulted in a reduced final tumour weight without any change in water content. Skeletal and cardiac muscle tissue did not show any difference in water content but there was an increased RNA/protein quotient in the exercising tumour-bearing animals. Thus the deleterious alterations induced by the malignancy on tumour host metabolism are not inevitable but can be modified by spontaneous physical exercise.

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