
Two experiments were performed with ASTM A533B steel to evaluate effects of compact specimen geometry on the JI versus crack growth resistance curve and evaluate validity limits for J-controlled crack growth. Side groove depth and crack length ratios were investigated with 1T compact tension specimens (1TCT) of HSST-02 plate. An investigation of thickness to ligament ratios over a broad range was conducted with 2T plan compact specimens using HSST-03 plate. All tests were performed at 150°C (302°F) using a computer-interactive unloading compliance test procedure. Results showed that side grooves straightened the crack growth. With HSST-02 plate, total side groove depth of 20 percent is required to eliminate crack tunneling. With this steel, side grooves served to reduce JIc from nonside groove measurements and also resulted in less measurement variability. A change in slip mode from planar to cross-slip did not affect the tearing modulus measurement, which was shown to be insensitive to thickness to ligament ratios ranging from 0.63 to 3.89. The minimum ω required for J-controlled crack growth for this material was shown to be on the order of one when considering less than 6 percent crack extension.

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