
The right kidney of 13 Large White female pigs was irradiated with single doses of 250 kV X-rays in the range 7-12.6 Gy. Sequential measurements of individual kidney glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) were carried out by means of 99mTc-DTPA and 131I-hippuran renography for periods up to 24 weeks after irradiation. GFR levels increased in irradiated and unirradiated contralateral kidneys 2 weeks after treatment compared with age-matched controls. ERPF values exhibited a small increase in a proportion of animals. Renal function then declined in irradiated kidneys in a dose-dependent manner. A dose of 7 Gy resulted in a decline followed by subsequent recovery. After doses of greater than or equal to 8.8 Gy GFR and ERPF declined rapidly, reaching minimal levels by 6-12 weeks, the time depending on the dose. The reduction in ERPF was quantitatively greater than that for GFR. In animals receiving greater than 8.8 Gy the irradiated kidney contributed in the order of only 10% of the total ERPF. The reduction in GFR resulted in a prompt functional compensatory response in GFR in the unirradiated contralateral kidney. In terms of ERPF, a compensatory response was not evident until weeks 20-24. The results indicated that the radiation tolerance dose of the pig kidney following unilateral irradiation with single doses of X-rays was approximately 8 Gy.

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