
High montane forests are defined as forests between high montane (oreal) and subalpine ranges, which are under pressure against extreme climatic conditions and anthropogenic influences and have difficulty in regenerating themselves under these conditions. High montane forests, which are constantly struggling with poor growing environment conditions, have difficulty in regenerating themselves and cannot respond to the forestry activities implemented. However, due to unfavorable terrain and climatic conditions, carbon accumulation in both subsoil and above-ground vegetation in high mountainous areas remains in very low amounts. Therefore, silvicultural interventions that can be applied by increasing the carbon stock capacity of high mountain forests and revitalizing the ecological role of high mountain forests should be done in accordance with their nature. In order to increase the amount or potential of carbon storage, conservation and sustainable use of forest ecosystems are important for combating climate change and global carbon balance. Therefore, special planting practices should be implemented in high mountain forest areas to accelerate carbon storage. As a result, the potential production, biomass increase and carbon sequestration capacity of high mountain forest areas can be better utilized. Within the scope of this study, the effects of silvicultural interventions on carbon in high mountain forests in Türkiye will be evaluated.

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