
Specimens of Gd 2Ti 2O 7 and CaZrTi 2O 7 were doped with 244Cm and the effects of self-radiation damage from alpha decay were determined as a function of cumulative dose. The macroscopic swelling of the specimens increased exponentially with dose to limiting (saturation) values of 5.1 and 6.0% for Gd 2Ti 2O 7 and CaZrTi 2O 7, respectively. The radiation-induced microstructure consists primarily of individual amorphous tracks from the alpha-recoil particles which eventually overlap to produce an amorphous state at ∼ 2.0 × 10 25 alpha decays/m 3 . This radiation-induced swelling and amorphization results in increased dissolution rate and fracture toughness, but decreased hardness. Both materials recrystallize in a sharp recovery stage. The stored energy release is ∼127 J/g and the activation energy for recrystallization in CaZrTi 2O 7 is estimated to be 5.8 eV.

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