
Herbal remedies play a major role in animal production with many of these herbs serving as a treatment for some ailments and also allowing animals to become more resistant to deleterious effects of disease. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of herbal-based diet on physiological parameters (temperature and pulse rate), feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion ratio respectively in West African Dwarf sheep infected with trypanosomes. Fifteen (15) West African Dwarf sheep separated into 5 groups fed various herbal diets in sole or mixed formulations then temperature and pulse rate, feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion ratio were measured on a daily basis.Animals placed on Diet E (Occimum gratissimum + Vernonia amygdalina) had a significantly higher average daily weight gain (24.32g, p<0.05) when compared across all treatments whileanimals placed on Diet D (Vernonia amygdalina+ Citrus aurantifolia) had a significantly higher (p<0.05) average daily feed conversion ratio (35.02). A combination of Occimum gratissimum + Vernonia amygdalina and Vernonia amygdalina + Citrus aurantifolia aided in ameliorating the deleterious effects of trypanosomosis on production in sheep

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