
In this study, the effect of seed priming using ascorbic acid (ASA) on three commercial wheat cultivars i.e., Punjab-2011, Faisalabad-2008, and Ujala-2016 under salinity stress in both homogenous and heterogeneous environments has been investigated. It revealed that different levels of salinity have significantly reduced the growth attributes like percent germination, germination index, radical & plumule length, seed vigor index (In-vitro), seedling length, fresh & dry weight, and total chlorophyll content (In-vivo) with subsequent treatments. Salinity stress was induced by using NaCl in three different concentrations (100, 150, and 200 mM). Seeds of the three cultivars primed with 50, 100, and 150 mg/L ascorbic-acids have not only improved percent germination but also considerably reduced germination time and increased germination index (GI) indicating the potential for tolerating saline conditions. Seedling growth (seedling length, Fresh weight, and dry weight) of seeds primed with 50, 100, and 150 mg/L (ASA) was significantly higher than other non-primed seeds under the prevailing saline conditions. Hormonal priming with different concentrations of ascorbic acid was effective, nevertheless, the best results were obtained with 100 and 150 mg/L (ASA) concentrations. We concluded that the delay in germination and seedling growth was mainly due to excessive Na+ accumulation in the seeds of wheat cultivars. On the other hand, seed priming with various concentrations of ascorbic acid has proved to be effective in inducing salt tolerance in terms of germination parameters, seedling characteristics, and chlorophyll retention in the three local commercial wheat cultivars.

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