
The effect of the introduction of fry of anadromous sea trout, Salmo trutta L., on the genetic integrity of landlocked brown trout populations was evaluated. Samples were taken from six brown trout populations from streams above impassable waterfalls in the Conwy river system (North Wales, U.K.) in 1989 and 1990. Three of these streams had no known stocking history and three had been stocked with sea trout fry from the lower Conwy system over the last few years. Representatives of these sea trout were collected from two streams in the lower Conwy system and from a hatchery. Allele frequencies at 13 loci, six of which were polymorphic, were determined by starch gel electrophoresis.The stocked populations were intermediate in their allele frequencies between unstocked brown trout and sea trout samples. A principal component analysis suggested significant numbers of hybrids in all of the stocked streams. This shows that some of the introduced sea trout did not migrate down the falls to the sea, but stayed in fresh water and hybridized with the local population. The significance of this finding for the conservation of the genetic resource of brown trout stocks is discussed.

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