
In rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri Richardson) which had been acclimatised to the experimental salinity and temperature, food intake was maximal in the intermediate salinities of 15.0 and 28.0%, less in fresh water and 7.5% and minimal, by a statistically significant margin, in 32.5%. There were marked day-to-day fluctuations in food intake. When salinity was abruptly increased by 7.5 or 13.0%, there were decreases in growth rate which were related to decreases in food intake. Recovery of food intake and growth rate to pre-increase levels was complete within 14 days. Absorption efficiency, in terms of total dry matter, total energy and total nitrogen, was negatively related to salinity. Total nitrogen was absorbed considerably more efficiently than either energy or dry matter. Conversion efficiency (K1 and K2) was estimated, also in terms of dry matter, energy and total nitrogen, in trout of the O+ and 1+ year groups weighing from 50 to 150 g. There was a tendency for conversion efficiency to decline with salinity, especially between 28.0 and 32.5%. Dry matter and energy conversion were significantly lower than nitrogen conversion efficiency.

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