
Summary: Registries provide an infrastructure for data evaluation and management as well as aknowledge collection system (library). The register in the health field allows you to acquire knowledge relevant and actionable to find solutions to problems current. Objective: The aim is to assess the availability of primary registers in private health centers. Methods and Materials: We carried out a retrospective, prospective and comparative survey on the availability of registers in the third quarter of 2022 and the third quarter of 2023 in private health centers having signed a performance contract with the Koulikoro contracting and verification agency as part of results-based financing. A total of 14 private health centers participated in this study. Results: We note an evolution in the availability rate of registers between the two periods evaluated. The availability of home visit, malnutrition and minor surgery registers was 0% in the third quarter of 2022 and it became respectively 4%, 7% and 80% in the third quarter of 2023. Conclusion: This study revealed that the regular verification of primary data recorded in registers is a factor leading to the increase in the availability of registers in private health centers.

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