
Seventy-two (72) grower rabbit were used to assess the replacement of groundnut cake with Gmelina arborea leaf meal in the diets of grower rabbits and determining its effect on growth; nitrogen digestibility and the economics of rabbit production. There were six (6) dietary treatments with Gmelina arborea leaf meal replacing groundnut cake at 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100%. Each treatment was replicated three (3) times with four (4) rabbits per replicate in a completely randomize blocked design (CRBD). Proximate analysis of Gmelina arborea leaves on air-cured basis showed that the leaves contained Dry Matter of 92.8, Crude Protein of 12.2, Crude Fibre of 24.88, Ether Extract of 2.18, Ash of 10.5 and Nitrogen Free Extract of 49.3%; with a Metabolizable Energy of 480Kcal/g. Results showed that the final body weight, body weight gain and feed to gain ratio showed no significant difference (P>0.05) between the treatments. The feed intake and cost of feed showed significant effect (P<0.05) between the treatments. The cost of feed decreased as more Gmelina arborea leaf meal replaced groundnut cake in the diets. Profit, gross profitability and feed cost efficiency increased as more Gmelina arborea leaf meal replaced groundnut cake in the diets. The study revealed that Gmelina arborea leaf meal can be used to replace 60% of groundnut cake in the diets of grower rabbits.

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