
Abstract The effects of neutron, gamma and alpha radiations on the alpha and fission fragment tracks registration and revelation properties of CR-39 detectors (CR-39 and CR-39(DOP) were studied. It was found that the ratio of the bulk etch rate of irradiated to unirradiated (VG(irr.)/VG(unirr.) detectors is linearly dependent on dose. An exponential decrease in fission track densities with increase in neutron fluence was observed. The ratio of VG(irr.)/VG(unirr.) was found to be high in CR-39 than that in CR-39(DOP) exposed to the same reactor neutron fluence. The decrease in fission track densities with increase in neutron fluence was observed to be faster in CR-39 than in CR-39(DOP). This indicates that doping with dioctyl phthalate improves the radiation resistance of CR-39 detectors. It was observed that in detectors exposed to an alpha flux of the order of 9.36 × 106 / cm2, the fission track density was reduced by 11% and thereafter it remained constant. The results also indicate that thermal neutron...

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