
Public transportation (PT) systems significantly shape urban mobility and have garnered attention owing to their potential impact on public health, particularly the promotion of physical activity. Beyond their transportation functions, PT systems also affect daily energy expenditure through non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT). This mini-review surveys the existing literature to explore the effects of PT use on NEAT levels and subsequent health outcomes. A comprehensive literature search was conducted using the electronic databases PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Science. Keywords including "public transportation," "non-exercise activity thermogenesis," "physical activity," "health promotion," and related terms were used to identify relevant studies. This review highlights the multifaceted relationship between PT use and health promotion, emphasizing the potential benefits and challenges of increasing NEAT through public transit utilization. Overall, the findings suggest that PT use contributes positively to NEAT levels, and thus improves health outcomes. However, the extent of this impact may vary depending on individual and contextual factors. Interventions promoting active transportation modes, including public transit, hold promise for addressing sedentary behavior and fostering healthier lifestyles at the population level.

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