
The decrease in the thermal stability of rhodopsin in sea teleost fish ( Theragra chalcogramma) retinal rod outer segments (ROS) is strictly correlated with the increase in the amount of phospholipid hydrolysis products. The addition of exogenous unsaturated fatty acids to the ROS suspensions cause an increase of the rhodopsin thermal denaturation rate constants and a decrease of the E a value. On the other hand, saturated fatty acids at temperatures below their melting points and lysophosphatidylcholine produce practically no effect. The thermal stability of T. chalcogramma rhodopsin may be considerably enhanced when endogenous or exogenous fatty acids are eliminated by washing the ROS suspensions with a solution of fatty acid free bovine serum albumin. The role of phospholipids and their hydrolysis products in the thermal stability of rhodopsin is discussed.

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