
Prenol has attracted much attention due to its high heating value and novel octane hyperboosting phenomenon; while its soot formation behavior is not studied yet. In this study, experimental and numerical analysis of the effects of prenol and isoprenol addition on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and soot formation in non-premixed ethylene/methane flames is performed. Distribution of soot volume fraction and PAHs in the flames is measured via laser induced incandescence and laser induced fluorescence, respectively. The results show that both prenol and isoprenol addition enhances soot and PAH formation in ethylene/methane flames, and the prenol shows a stronger enhancing effect. Modeling of the sooting behavior is performed with a constructed gas-phase chemistry and a sectional method. The numerical results well capture the experimental observations and reveal that the increased concentrations of C2H2, C3H3 or C4H6 after prenol or isoprenol blending chemically promote benzene ring formation, subsequent PAH growth and soot formation processes. ROP (rate of production) analysis is performed to investigate the effect of prenol and isoprenol addition on rate-limiting ring formation process. In methane and ethylene flame, prenol or isoprenol blending promotes benzene formation in different ways, due to the discrepancies on the radical pool in two flames. Moreover, prenol also shows stronger effect on both of soot inception rate and surface growth rate than isoprenol, which is due to more PAHs and C2H2 formed in the prenol-doping flames. Reaction pathway analysis shows that decomposition of prenol generates C2H2 and C3H3 while isoprenol mainly generate C3H3 and almost no C2H2, the distinctive decomposition pathways of prenol results in its higher formation propensity of PAHs and soot.

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