
Neuroactive steroids produce effects similar to other GABAA modulators (e.g., benzodiazepines and barbiturates) and have a large therapeutic potential; however, a greater understanding of the effects of these substances on learning and memory is needed. To specifically assess the effects of a neurosteroid on memory, pregnanolone (1–18mg/kg) was administered to male Long-Evans rats responding under a repeated acquisition and delayed-performance procedure in which different 4-response sequences were acquired and then retested after varying delays. Responding was maintained under a second-order fixed-ratio (FR) 2 schedule of food reinforcement, and incorrect responses (errors) produced a 5-sec timeout. For comparison purposes, both a high (flunitrazepam) and low efficacy agonist/antagonist (flumazenil) of the GABAA receptor complex were also administered both alone and in combination. Retention of each sequence was quantified as percent savings in errors-to-criterion and this dependent measure was shown to be sensitive to increases in delay. When administered 15min prior to the end of either a 30- or 180-minute delay, pregnanolone produced both dose- and delay-dependent decreases in percent savings, response rate and accuracy; this effect was selective in that decreases in retention occurred at doses lower than those that disrupted response rate or accuracy. Flunitrazepam (0.056–1mg/kg) produced similar disruptions in retention and these disruptions were antagonized by 5.6mg/kg of flumazenil. Both an ineffective (0.056mg/kg) and an effective (0.18mg/kg) dose of flunitrazepam also potentiated the dose- and delay-dependent disruptions in retention produced by pregnanolone. These data indicate that the neurosteroid pregnanolone disrupts retention in a manner similar to the benzodiazepine flunitrazepam, and suggests that the interaction of flunitrazepam and pregnanolone on retention may be mediated by the GABAA receptor complex.

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