
The influence of 5 and 50 mg active ingredient kg-1 soil of nine preemergence and nine postemergence herbicides on transformations of urea N in soil was studied in samples of two coarse-textured and two fine-textured soils incubated aerobically at 20°C. The effects of each herbicide on soil urea transformations was measured by determining the amounts of urea hydrolyzed and the amounts of NOinf3sup-and NOinf2sup-produced at various times after treatment with urea. Applied at the rate of 5 mg active ingredient kg-1 soil, none of the herbicides retarded urea hydrolysis in the four soils used, but four of the postemergence herbicides (acifluorfen, diclofop methyl, fenoxaprop ethyl) retarded urea hydrolysis in the two coarse-textured soils. All the herbicides tested except siduron retarded nitrification in the two coarse-textured soils when applied at 50 mg of urea N active ingredient kg-1 soil, and fenoxaprop ethyl and tridiphane markedly retarded nitrification of urea N in all four of the soils when applied at this rate. One-way analysis of variance and correlation analyses indicated that the inhibitory effects of the 18 herbicides tested on nitrification of urea N in soil increased with a decrease in the organic-matter content and an increase in the sand content of the soil.

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