
Effects of porcine somatotropin (pST) on growth and carcass characteristics of Meishan (Ms) and Yorkshire (Y) barrows given 3 mg of pST or saline daily were determined for two end points. First, 26 Ms and 26 Y barrows were treated from 119 d of age until the Y barrows reached 108 kg. Second, another 18 Ms barrows were treated to 108 kg BW. Age- and weight-matched treatments were analyzed. Results for both groups indicated pST effects (P < .05) for feed conversion (+) and intake (-), dressing percentage (-), percentage of carcass fat (-) and protein and water (+), leaf fat (-), backfat (BF) thickness (-), longissimus muscle area (LMA; +), skin thickness (+), muscle firmness and marbling scores (-), organ weights (+), belly (-), clear plate (-), ham (+), and total boneless cuts (BC; +). Somatotropin effects were also present for loin (-) and boneless Boston butt (BBB; +) in the age-matched group and for ADG (+), carcass weight (-), loin (-), jowl (-), and tenderloin (+) in the weight-matched group. Breed effects (P < .05), in favor of Y barrows, in both treatments existed for ADG (+) and feed intake (+), carcass weight (+), dressing percentage (+), LMA (+), skin thickness (-), muscle color and firmness scores (-), muscling score (+), all wholesale cuts (WC; +) except clear plate (age-matched), all trimmed cuts (TC; +) except picnic shoulder (weight-matched), and all BC (+). Breed effects, in favor of Y barrows, were also determined for carcass length (+), percentage of carcass ash (-), leaf fat (+), average BF thickness (+), and heart (-) and liver (-) weights in age-matched animals and percentage of carcass fat (-), protein (+), water (+), leaf fat (-), 10th rib, average, and P2 BF thicknesses (-), marbling score (-), femur length (-), and liver weights (+) in weight-matched animals. A higher response to pST (P < .05) was determined in Ms barrows than in Y barrows for percentage of carcass protein (+), liver (+), and heart (+) in the age-matched treatment and 10th rib BF thickness (-) and heart weight (+) in the weight-matched treatment. Yorkshire barrows treated with pST had more improved values for color score (+; age-matched) and BBB (+; weight-matched).

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