
In this study we tested the effects of two planting dates, fertilization with N and lack of fertilization, as well as two different irrigation modes on morphological and phenotypic traits of sugar beet seedlings. Well-developed sugar beet seedlings are thought to be cultivated plants whose requests comply with agroecological conditions of the region. We tested number of plants per ha, root diameter, root fresh weight, number of leaves aboveground fresh weight, aboveground dry matter weight, and root dry matter weight. Analysis of variance of a three-factorial trial in three research years showed significant impact of the first planting date on all observed morphological and phenotypic traits of sugar beet seedlings. N fertilization applied before planting provided justified higher difference when compared to control, regarding root fresh weight, aboveground fresh weight and larger root diameter. Different irrigation modes provided significantly higher number of plants and root fresh weight.


  • Summary: In this study we tested the effects of two planting dates, fertilization with N and lack of fertilization, as well as two different irrigation modes on morphological and phenotypic traits of sugar beet seedlings

  • Well-developed sugar beet seedlings are thought to be cultivated plants whose requests comply with agroecological conditions of the region

  • N fertilization applied before planting provided justified higher difference when compared to control, regarding root fresh weight, aboveground fresh weight and larger root diameter

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Uticaj rokova setve na osobine sadnica šećerne repe

Đubrenja azotom i načina navodnjavanja na morfološke i fenotipske osobine sadnica šećerne repe. Izvod: Ispitivan je uticaj dva različita vremenska roka setve, đubrenje azotom i bez njega, kao i dva različita načina navodnjavanja na morfološke i fenotipske osobine sadnica šećerne repe. Za uspešan porast sadnica semenske šećerne repe u prvim fazama porasta značajnu ulogu ima voda, čijim se ograničavanjem značajno smanjenje masa biljaka (Geerts & Raes 2009). Posle nicanja mladog ponika đubrenje azotom značajno smanjuje vezanu vodu u lišću šećerne repe, što za posledicu ima smanjenje potrošnje vode u prvim fazama porasta mladog ponika šećerne repe (Pečenov 1988). Cilj ovoga rada bio je da se u našim agroekološkim uslovima utvrdi uticaj vremena setve, đubrenja azotom i primene načina navodnjavanja na morfološke i fenotipske osobine sadnica semenske šećerne repe

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