
In order to evaluate the site of action of picrotoxin (antagonist of ionotropic GABA receptors) on the electroretinographic (ERG) b- and d-waves, in this study we compared its effects on the intensity-response function of the ERG waves in intact light adapted frog eyecup preparations with its effects in eyecups, where the activity of proximal neurons was blocked by 1 mMN-methyl-d-aspartate (MNDA). Picrotoxin markedly enhanced the b- and d-wave amplitude and slowed the time course of the responses at all stimulus intensities in the intact eyecups. Perfusion with NMDA alone caused significant enhancement of the b-wave amplitude and diminution of the d-wave amplitude without altering their time course in the entire intensity range. When picrotoxin was applied in combination with NMDA, an enhancement of the b-wave amplitude and slowing of its time course were observed at all stimulus intensities. The increase of the b-wave amplitude was significantly higher than that seen in NMDA group. Combined application of picrotoxin and NMDA caused an enhancement of the d-wave amplitude at the lower stimulus intensities and its diminution at the higher ones, while the d-wave time course was delayed over the entire intensity range. The results obtained indicate that a part of picrotoxin effects on the amplitude and time course of the photopic ERG b- and d-waves are due to its action in the distal frog retina.

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