
The role of the hormone melatonin in the circadian system of pigeons (Columba livia) was investigated. Using an automatic infusion system, melatonin at physiological levels was delivered for 10 h each day to cannulated, pinealectomized (P-X) pigeons in constant darkness. These cyclic infusions of melatonin entrained feeding rhythms in P-X pigeons while vehicle infusions were ineffective entraining agents. When the retinae of P-X pigeons were removed (E-X), feeding rhythms were abolished in constant darkness. When cyclic melatonin infusions were delivered to these birds (E-X and P-X), feeding rhythmicity was restored whereas vehicle infusions alone did not restore rhythmicity. When melatonin infusions were terminated in E-X/P-X pigeons, feeding rhythms persisted for several days but eventually decayed. Blood melatonin levels were measured in both P-X and E-X/P-X birds infused cyclically with exogenous melatonin and were found to be within the physiological range both in level and pattern. These results strongly suggest that endogenous melatonin, released by the pineal gland and the retinae, regulates the timing of feeding rhythms by entraining other oscillators in the circadian system of the pigeon.

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