
Abstract Purpose Primary treatment of mouse eyes with argon laser and subsequently photodynamic therapy (PDT) with verteporfin 10 days after results in a destruction of retinal structures. Our study analyses the preconditions of this effect and examines its potential benefit to a model for retinal angiogenesis. Methods Eyes of adult mice were treated with argon laser in three areas of the eye background to induce CNV formation. Two of these areas additionally got PDT 10 days after. The mice obtained a perfusion with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) dextran after another 4 days. Retinal flat‐mounts were stained with lectin. Results Areas without laser‐treatment before PDT showed no lesions in retinal vessels, whereas in areas that underwent a combination of laser‐treatment and PDT destructions of retinal capillary vessels cropped up. Conditions for this effect were optimized. Conclusion Laser‐treatment seems to be prerequisite for a destructive effect on retinal capillary vessels by means of a following PDT.

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