
Analytical grade H 3PO 4, or base cation phosphates, were supplied to an acid beech forest soil (dystric cambisol) in south Sweden at the rate of 115, 23 and 23 kg P ha −1 during the first, second and third year, respectively. Out of six frequent field-layer species, vegetative growth of Galium odoratum, Lamium galeobdolon and Stellaria holostea was enhanced by the increased P availability, especially when measured as shoot weight and P supplied as base cation phosphates. Melica uniflora, Oxalis acetosella and Viola riviniana/reichenbachiana seemed unaffected by the treatments. Neither application had any measurable effect on the sporophore production or species richness of ectomycorrhizal or decomposer macrofungi during the 5 year study.

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