
Matsuone is a well-known sex pheromone of the genus Matsucoccus (Hemiptera: Margarodidae), including species Matsucoccus matsumurae (Kuwana), Matsucoccus resinosae Bean & Goldwin, and Matsucoccus thunbergianae Miller & Park. In this study, we investigated the effects of matsuone dose and trap height on the capture of M. thunbergianae and developed an alternative synthesis of racemic matsuone. In field trapping experiments, M. thunbergianae males showed dose-dependent attraction to (6R,10R/S)-matsuone from 100 μg up to an approximate saturation level of 1,600 μg per rubber septum lure. Traps baited with (6R,10R/S)-matsuone and installed 50 cm above ground level attracted more males than traps 100 and 150 cm above ground level. To reduce synthesis procedures, time, and labor, we developed a new synthetic route to racemic matsuone and conducted field experiments with the product. Although traps baited with the racemic matsuone were less attractive than traps baited with (6R,10R/S)-matsuone synthesized by a previously reported method, the new synthetic route could be an economically favorable alternative to the previous method used in production of lures for field application.

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