
The recent proliferation of resident space objects (RSOs) in low Earth orbit (LEO) threatens the sustainability of space as a resource and requires persistent monitoring to avoid collisions involving valuable space assets. State-of-the-art ground-based space surveillance techniques, due to their susceptibility to atmosphere, weather, and lighting conditions, tend to focus on RSOs with characteristic length greater than 10 cm or 1 dm. Consequently, millions of smaller LEO RSOs remain untracked by ground-based methods, which reduces overall space situational awareness. Onboard satellite sensors offer a space-based method for tracking RSOs. Prior research has investigated the feasibility of using commercial star trackers (CSTs) — optical sensors prevalent on most active spacecraft — to observe, detect, and estimate the position and velocity of RSOs larger than 10 cm. In a recent effort, we expanded on these feasibility studies by assessing the capabilities of CSTs to detect debris particles smaller than 10 cm in characteristic length. We modeled the particles as Lambertian spheres with zero phase angle and ten percent reflectivity and found that typical CSTs can detect properly illuminated debris of characteristic length between 1 cm and 10 cm even at distances of tens of kilometers. More sensitive CSTs can characterize decimeter-scale RSOs hundreds of kilometers away; alternatively, they can track centimeter-scale and smaller RSOs at closer distances. In this paper, we summarize these key results and extend our previous study by relaxing its zero-phase-angle assumption and characterizing the effect of Sun-RSO-CST phase angle on debris detection range. We identify a number of representative CSTs with publicly available optical characteristics and consider the effects of properties such as pixel pitch, focal length, aperture diameter, and field of view (FOV) on the capability of each CST to detect debris at a given distance and relative velocity (in the form of streak speed). We find that, for debris particles modeled as diffuse Lambertian spheres, Sun-RSO-CST phase angles as high as 57° result in no more than 20% reduction to the useful RSO-CST detection range. In addition, we find that pixel pitch and focal length, rather than aperture diameter, tend to determine the capability of a given CST to resolve two distinct RSOs. Furthermore, streak speed may serve as a stronger limiting factor for detection of smaller debris particles than for larger ones. Despite these limitations, the overall results indicate that CSTs have the potential to substantially enhance space-based debris detection capability.

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