
Type A CCK receptor (CCKAR) antagonists differing in blood-brain barrier permeability [devazepide penetrates; the dicyclohexylammonium salt of Nalpha-3-quinolinoyl-d-Glu-N,N-dipentylamide (A-70104) does not] were used to test the hypothesis that duodenal nutrient-induced inhibition of gastric emptying is mediated by CCKARs located peripheral to the blood-brain barrier. Rats received A-70104 (700 or 3,000 nmol. kg(-1). h(-1) iv) or devazepide (2.5 micromol/kg iv) and either a 15-min intravenous infusion of CCK-8 (3 nmol. kg(-1). h(-1)) or duodenal infusion of casein, peptone, Intralipid, or maltose. Gastric emptying of saline was measured during the last 5 min of each infusion. A-70104 and devazepide abolished the gastric emptying response to a maximal inhibitory dose of CCK-8. Each of the macronutrients inhibited gastric emptying. A-70104 and devazepide attenuated inhibitory responses to each macronutrient. Intravenous injection of a CCK antibody to immunoneutralize circulating CCK had no effect on peptone or Intralipid-induced responses. Thus endogenous CCK appears to act in part by a paracrine or neurocrine mechanism at CCKARs peripheral to the blood-brain barrier to inhibit gastric emptying.

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