
Introduction: In the beverage sector, pasteurization is combined with another means of preservation such as concentration, acidification to extend product shelf-life by inactivating all non-spore-forming pathogenic bacteria and the majority of vegetative spoilage microorganisms, as well as inhibiting or stopping microbial and enzyme activity. The main objective of this study was to focus on the effect of pasteurization and storage on the physical, antioxidant, and microbiological properties of red beetroot (beta vulgaris l.) wine. Method: After fermentation in 10 days, the red beetroot wine was either pasteurized at 700C in 10 minutes or unpasteurized before storing at 40C in different time (1 month, 2 months). Physicochemical properties and microbiological quality of beetroot wine were analyzed to study effect of pasteurization and storage on those properties of beetroot wine. Results: Physical properties like pH, total dissolved solids content were significantly affected by pasteurization (higher pH and higher TTS in pasteurized samples than in unpasteurized samples) but they were not affected by storage time in this project. After fermentation, the TPC of red beetroot wine was lost but it kept unchanged after pasteurization. Vitamin C of the wine sample was lost after pasteurization only when storage. Pasteurization and 2 month-storage caused significant reduction on antioxidant capacity of red beetroot wine. Sensory quality of beetroot wine was not affected by pasteurization but it was in the case of storage. Microorganism quality of wine was acceptable for consumption. Pasteurization process is effective in increasing shelf life of red beetroot wine but does not significantly affect its nutritional and sensory values.

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