
Although the agents responsible for the decline of red spruce on high elevation sites in the northeast are not known, 03 and acidic rain are considered to be possible contributing stresses. The research presented in this paper constitutes the second year of a 3-yr study to evaluate and quantify the influences of 03 and acidic precipitation on seedling red spruce. Two-year old red spruce seedlings were exposed to 03 at four levels (approximately 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 times ambient 03 concentration) and simulated acidic precipitation at three levels (pH 3.1, 4.1, and 5.1) in open-top chambers. The exposures occurred during June through October, 1988 after the seedlings had been exposed to the pollutants the previous year. At three intervals during the exposure period, seedlings were harvested and effects of the pollutant treatments were assessed by measuring the length of the 1988 terminal shoot, the number and length of branches, the dry mass of stems, needles, and roots, and rate of photosynthesis. There were no significant effects of 03 on any of the growth variables or on photosynthesis. There was a significant effect of pH on photosynthesis; rates of photosynthesis increased as acidity of the treatment increased. However, the higher rates of photosynthesis were not reflected in increased biomass of the seedlings. Significant 03 by pH interactions occurred for several growth variables.

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