
The objective of this work is to determine the effects of oven drying on the physico-chemical composition of eggplant (Solanum Aethiopicum L.). The samples were collected in the field school of the University Jean Lorougnon Guédé in Daloa. The water contents, pH, titratable acidity and vitamin C were determined at different temperatures (50 ° C, 60 ° C, 80 ° C and 90 ° C) and time. Analyzes show that the moisture (92 to 5%), pH (5.67 to 3.44) and vitamin C (1.095 to 0.508 mg EAA / 100g) contents decrease progressively as a function of the drying time and over time. as the temperature rises. However, the titratable acidity contents of eggplants increase (0.0153 to 0.229 meq / 100g) gradually with increasing temperature. Increasing temperature and time lead to a decrease in humidity, pH and vitamin C and an increase in the titratable acidity content of eggplants during drying.
 Keywords: Eggplant; Solanum Aethiopicum, drying, vitamin C

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