
Osmotic agents used to prevent apple pollen grain germination were studied in vitro by applying 10 μL of solutions to germinating apple pollen on germinating and growth media. Seven concentrations (0%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 5% and 10%) of the solution were prepared for each chemical and the characteristics of pH, EC, and osmotic potential were measured. Apple pollen was dispersed onto the media in petri dishes. Micro drops of solution were then applied to marked areas. Dishes were then placed in germination cabinets at 25 °C. Cumulative percentage pollen germination was calculated 4, 8, 12, and 24 h after treatment by microscopic observation. Generally, the cumulative percentage pollen germination decreased asymptotically with increasing chemical concentration. The most effective chemicals for restricting pollen germination and growth were CuSO4 (0.25%), CH3 COOH (0.25%), CaCl2 (10%), K2 S2 O5 (0.25%), Methyl Jasmonate (2%). The effect of these chemicals has also been tested on pistil viability both in vitro and on excised limbs.

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