
A hybrid gear concept that combines a metallic outer rim of gear teeth with a composite web to reduce drivetrain weight was evaluated for impact of tooth microgeometry modifications on transmission error. Control of transmission error through tooth microgeometry modification is important for control of noise and vibrations generated by a drivetrain. The added flexibility of hybrid gears over steel gears brings to question the performance of hybrid over conventional gears relative to their dynamic transmission error and resulting noise levels. Previously developed drivetrain models featuring hybrid spur gears were used to determine optimal tooth microgeometry modifications that minimized peak-to-peak transmission error. Static and dynamic transmission errors were then calculated using the optimal microgeometries and compared to results for a similarly optimized all-steel drivetrain. From the results, it appears that the use of hybrid gears will not negatively affect vibration performance for low- and medium-speed applications, as hybrid gear models predicted similar transmission errors to their all-steel counterparts. At higher speeds, drivetrains featuring hybrid gears were predicted to have significantly different transmission errors, but whether this difference was an improvement or detriment is design and speed-dependent. Therefore, careful design is necessary for high-speed hybrid gears.

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