
Previously, we observed that in mice, olfactory stimulation with scent of grapefruit oil elevates renal sympathetic nerve activity and blood pressure. In contrast, olfactory stimulation with scent of lavender oil has opposite effects in mice. Moreover, electrolytic lesions of the mouse hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus eliminated changes in renal sympathetic nerve activity and blood pressure induced by either scent of grapefruit oil or scent of lavender oil. Here, we show that grapefruit oil-induced elevations in renal sympathetic nerve activity and blood pressure were not observed in Clock mutant mice, which harbor mutations in Clock and lack normal circadian rhythms, whereas lavender oil-suppressions were preserved in Clock mutant mice. In addition, responses of c-Fos inductions in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus to scent of grapefruit oil observed in wild-type mice were not observed in Clock mutant mice. These findings suggest that the Clock gene might be implicated in elevating responses of autonomic and cardiovascular functions to olfactory stimulation with scent of grapefruit oil.

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