
Abstract Our objective for this study was to evaluate the influence of preindustrial and expected future atmospheric CO2 concentrations (280 μatm and 700 μatm pCO2, respectively) on different life-cycle stages of the kelp Laminaria hyperborea from Helgoland (Germany, North Sea). Zoospore germination, gametogenesis, vegetative growth, sorus formation and photosynthetic performance of vegetative and fertile tissue were examined. The contribution of external carbonic anhydrase (exCA) to C-supply for net-photosynthesis (net-PS) and the Chla- and phlorotannin content were investigated. Female gametogenesis and vegetative growth of sporophytes were significantly enhanced under the expected future pCO2. rETR(max) and net-PS of young vegetative sporophytes tended to increase performance at higher pCO2. The trend towards elevated net-PS vanished after inhibition of exCA. In vegetative sporophytes, phlorotannin content and Chla content were not significantly affected by pCO2.

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