
Male Japanese quail, force-fed for 4 weeks, showed a marked increase in weight resulting mainly from the deposition of fat. 2. Obesity, induced by forced feeding, was accompanied by increases in colonic temperature (about 0-3 degrees C), peripheral leg temperature (about 3 degrees C) and by a decrease of the mid-scapular skin temperature (about 0-6 degrees C). 3. Testicular weight decreased by 30% during the period of overfeeding and the spermatozoa concentration in the testis and ducti deferentes decreased by 50%. There was also a small increase in the cholesterol concentration of the testis; testicular cholesterol concentration was negatively correlated with testicular weight. 4. A marked decrease in the concentration of the plasma testosterone was accompanied by regression of the tail and by a reduction in the volume of cloacal foam secreted.

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