
NO3− supplementation via beetroot juice (BR) augments exercising skeletal muscle blood flow subsequent to its reduction to NO2− then NO. We tested the hypothesis that enhanced vascular control following BR would elevate the skeletal muscle O2 delivery/O2 utilization ratio (microvascular PO2, PmvO2) and raise the PmvO2 during the rest-contractions transition. Rats were administered BR (~0.8mmol/kg/day, n=10) or water (control, n=10) for 5 days. PmvO2 was measured during 180s of electrically induced (1Hz) twitch spinotrapezius muscle contractions. There were no changes in resting or contracting steady-state PmvO2. However, BR slowed the PmvO2 fall following contractions onset such that time to reach 63% of the initial PmvO2 fall increased (MRT1; control: 16.8±1.9, BR: 24.4±2.7s, p<0.05) and there was a slower relative rate of PmvO2 fall (Δ1PmvO2/τ1; control: 1.9±0.3, BR: 1.2±0.2mmHg/s, p<0.05). Despite no significant changes in contracting steady state PmvO2, BR supplementation elevated the O2 driving pressure during the crucial rest-contractions transients thereby providing a potential mechanism by which BR supplementation may improve metabolic control.

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