
Titanium alloys (Ti6Al4V), while subjected to high temperature surface treatment,experience altered nano-surface characteristics. The effects of such surface treatments areexamined, including the initial adhesion force experienced by osteoblasts, the Ca/Padsorption capability, and the nano-surface properties, including the amounts ofamphoteric Ti–OH groups, surface topography, and surface roughness. The initial adhesionforce is considered a quantitative indicator of cyto-compatibility in vitro. Previously, acyto-detacher was applied in a pioneer attempt measuring the initial adhesionforce of fibroblasts on a metal surface. Presently, the cyto-detacher is furtherapplied to evaluate the initial adhesion force of osteoblasts. Results reveal that(1) titanium alloys subjected to heat treatment could promote the adsorption capabilityof Ca and P; (2) titanium alloys subjected to heat treatment could have higherinitial osteoblast adhesion forces; (3) the adhesion strength of osteoblasts, rangingfrom 38.5 to 58.9 nN (nanonewtons), appears stronger for rougher surfaces. It isconcluded that the heat treatment could have impacted the biocompatibility interms of the initial osteoblast adhesion force and Ca/P adsorption capability.

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