
Sidestep cutting is a critical movement in sports. However, biomechanical research on sidestep cutting has not hitherto reached a consensus. In order to investigate the effects of limb dominance and movement direction on ankle and subtalar joints during sidestep cutting, twelve physically active male participants were recruited in the present study. Trajectory and ground reaction force data were collected by the motion capture system and force platform. Kinematics, kinetics, and muscle forces information were obtained by running OpenSim. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA was performed with movement direction and limb dominance as independent variables. We found that movement direction had a significant effect on ankle dorsiflexion angle. In contrast, the factor of limb dominance had no effect on ankle and subtalar joints angles. For ankle joint moment, the plantarflexion moment was greater by performing a 45° sidestep cutting or using the dominant limb, while the subtalar joint moment was not affected by these two variables. In terms of muscle forces, the soleus of the dominant limb generated greater plantarflexion muscle force on the sagittal plane, while the non-dominant limb tended to contract more strongly (peroneus longus and peroneus brevis) on the frontal plane to stabilize the subtalar joint. Meanwhile, a smaller sidestep cutting angle made participants generate greater plantarflexion muscle forces (soleus and gastrocnemius). In conclusion, our findings indicated that participants should take limb dominance and movement direction into consideration for enhancing athletic performance and reducing the risk of injury during sidestep cutting.

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