
In order to explore the effects of Chinese milk vetch and rape mixed sowing on rice yield and soil fertility, and select the best planting mode, five different ratios of Chinese milk vetch and rape mixed sowing were designed to study the effects of different ratios on rice yield, soil physicochemical properties and soil fertility in 0-10 cm, 10- 20 cm and 20-30 cm layers. Grey correlation analysis of soil nutrient and yield was carried out by using grey system theory. The influence of different soil layers on soil chemical properties was greater than physical properties. The effect on shallow soil is greater than that on deep soil. Mixed sowing of Chinese milk vetch and rape improved soil comprehensive fertility in all soil layers, and rice yield was the highest in 2M2R treatment. pH value had the greatest effect on actual rice yield, followed by available potassium. Therefore, mixed sowing of Chinese milk vetch and rape could significantly increase the yield of early rice and soil nutrient content, and the pattern of “1/2 Chinese milk vetch +1/2 rape-early rice-late rice” had the best effect.

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