
To analyze the stress distribution in the hard and soft tissue structures of craniomandibular complex during mandibular advancement with miniplate anchored rigid fixed functional appliance (FFA) using Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The virtual model consisting of all the maxillofacial bones (up to calvaria), the mandible and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) was generated using the volumetric data from pre-treatment CBCT-scan of a growing patient. The masticatory muscles, other soft tissues, Herbst appliance and plate geometry were modelled mathematically. Force vectors simulating muscle contraction at rest and advanced mandibular positions, with protraction force of 8N were applied. The final model was imported into ANSYS for analysis after assigning material properties. The maximum von Mises stress of 11.69MPa and 11.96MPa magnitude was observed in the region of pterygoid plates and at the bone-miniplate interface respectively, with the mandibular advancement of 7mm. Stress patterns were also noted at the condylar neck. The stress values observed in the medial and lateral pterygoid muscles were of 10.42MPa and 4.16MPa magnitude, respectively. Stress was noted in the bucco-cervical region of the upper posterior teeth, but negligible change was seen on the lower anterior teeth and periodontal ligament. Miniplate Anchored Herbst Appliance brought about Class II skeletal correction in growing children as it was accompanied by minimal changes in the inclination of the lower incisors. Soft tissue structures like pterygoid muscles and discal ligaments exhibited increased stress whereas masseter muscle displayed reduction in stresses.

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