
Mineral phosphorus fertilizer can be replaced by organic-mineral fertilzer to garantie the soil fertility. This paper evaluated the effects of mineral and organic-mineral phosphorus on the soil fertility with maize tillage. The experiment was installed in a seedlings nursery at Universidade do Oeste Paulista in Presidente Prudente-SP, in a completely randomized desing, with 9 treatments and 4 replicates. As phosphorus fertilizer source was used the organic-mineral Biofos (3.8% P2O5) and simple superphosphate (18% P2O5). The levels of phosphorus, organic matter, calcium, magnesium, base saturation and soil pH was evalutate in soil samples 50 days after maize emergence. The organic-mineral showed the same efficiency of simple superphosphate in soil fertility. Both simple superphosphate and organic-mineral promoted changes in pH and organic matter levels. The phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and base saturation level not differed in all fertilizer sources and doses used.

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