
Avian migration is a challenging life stage susceptible to the adverse effects of stressors, including contaminants like methylmercury (MeHg). Although birds often experience stressors and contaminants concurrently in the wild, no study to date has investigated how simultaneous exposure to MeHg and food stress affects migratory behavior. Our objectives were to determine if MeHg or food stress exposure during summer, alone or combined, has carry-over effects on autumn migratory activity, and if hormone levels (corticosterone, thyroxine) and body condition were related to these effects. We tested how exposure to dietary MeHg and/or food stress (unpredictable temporary food removal) affected migratory behavior in captive song sparrows, Melospiza melodia. Nocturnal activity was influenced by a 3-way interaction between MeHg × stress × nights of the study, indicating that activity changed over time in different ways depending on prior treatments. Thyroxine was not affected by treatment or sampling date. During the migratory season, fecal corticosterone metabolite concentrations increased in birds co-exposed to MeHg and food stress compared to controls, suggesting an additive carry-over effect. As well, during the period of behavioral recording, body condition increased with time in unstressed birds, but not in stressed birds. Fecal corticosterone metabolite concentrations were positively correlated to duration of nocturnal activity, but thyroxine levels and body condition were not. The differences in nocturnal activity between groups suggest that food stress and MeHg exposure on breeding grounds could have direct and indirect carry-over effects that have the potential to affect the fall migration journey.

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