
We have studied the effects of various meteorologicalparameters and plant distribution on the airborneconcentrations of three different pollen types:Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, Quercus and Olea, in the city of Cartagena, situated in SouthwestEurope. The aerobiological study has been carried outfrom March 1993 to March 1997, using a Hirst-typeLanzoni 2000 trap, situated on the roof of the citytrain station. Meteorological data were supplied bythe Environmental Service of Cartagena's Town Hall.Daily pollen concentrations were standardised.Correlation analysis showed the importance ofmeteorological data on airborne pollen concentrations.On the other hand, ANOVA analyses depicted theinfluence of vegetation distribution in relation tosampler location and wind directions. Finally,multiple regression analyses allowed us to developcorrelation models for the three different pollentypes considered, accounting for 32%(Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae), 19% (Quercus),and 26% (Olea) of the variation in the airbornepollen concentration.

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