
The kinetics of ion transport in solid electrolytes is known to be highly sensitive to the topological characteristics of ion conduction pathways. The conduction mechanisms usually involve concurrent ionic diffusion along a variety of mesoscopic features of internal microstructures such as bulk grain, structural domains, and associated boundaries as well as their network. Due to the complexity of these structural features of the solid electrolytes during operation, it is significantly challenging to characterize the microstructure-ionic diffusion property relationship. For better mechanistic understanding of relevant conduction mechanisms, it is necessary to thoroughly explore the impacts of individual microstructural factors on the overall kinetic properties and performances. In this presentation, we will present our development of an efficient mesoscopic computational method for extracting the effective diffusivity of the solid electrolyte containing arbitrarily distributed microstructural inhomogeneities such as differently oriented multiple grains, several structural variants of phase domains, and grain/domain boundaries. Using two- and three-dimensional digital microstructures generated by phase-field simulations as well as the fundamental diffusivity tensors of reference phases and boundaries derived from atomistic calculations as inputs, the method enable us to efficiently compute the effective diffusivity tensor of the entire system. We will then discuss the applications of this framework to investigating the relationship between relevant individual microstructural features and effective diffusivity of highly conductive solid electrolytes (e.g., LLTO and LLZO) focusing on the impacts of topological features of grains, internal mesoscopic structures of high- and low-temperature phase domains, and grain/phase boundary networks. *This work of was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.

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