
This research is a struggle to explore the role of media in election turn-out. In history a state was based on free judiciary, legislature and executive power but in 21st century 4th pillar of the state was appeared and this is media (free media). As time passed media turn into more and more influential and significant. This research was conducted in Bahawalpur City that was titled the princely state in history and now became a major city of southern Punjab. Using survey method, data has been collected from 500 respondents as sample technique of available and convenient, selected 250 respondents from urban areas and 250 from rural areas. Respondent's age is 26 years to onwards for both male and female. Questionnaire was based on 23 close ended questions. Current research conducted in the light of "Agenda Setting Theory" and "Gate Keeping Theory" which conclude that media has played an important role in enhancing the turnout in general election 2013. In general election of 2013, media aware public to cast vote for their country and for the progress and to strengthen the democracy in Pakistan. People of urban areas especially educated people attract more to media for political awareness as compare to rural area's people. Moreover, talk shows during electioneering period and live transmission during elections appeal to the people for vote casting. Research also concludes that biradriism, peer group, political party policy and opinion leaders also plays positive role to enhance the turn-out in general election of 2013.

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