
The effects of coitus and injection of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LH-RH) on serum concentrations of LH, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (17β-hydroxy-5α-androstan-3-one; DHT) were tested in male rabbits. Before experimentation, male and female rabbits were housed in individual cages in the same room. Male rabbits were then bled by cardiac puncture before and after placement with female rabbits or intravenous injection of LH-RH. Serum LH, testosterone and DHT were measured by radioimmunoassay. Sexual excitement (sniffing, chasing and mounting), with or without intromission, caused a marked rise in serum testosterone and DHT concentrations in only some of the bucks. These increases were accompanied or preceded by a small, transient increase in serum LH. In the rest of the bucks, sexual excitement with or without intromission had either no effect on serum levels of all three hormones, or only serum testosterone and DHT decreased during the collection period. Similar responses were measured in bucks which were housed in a room without does for 2–4 weeks before experimentation. Injection of 10, 30 or 100 ng or 50 μg LH-RH caused serum LH, testosterone and DHT to rise in all bucks tested, but the magnitude of the rises in serum testosterone and DHT were not related to the magnitude of the LH rise. In both mated and LH-RH-injected bucks, the rises in serum testosterone and DHT were greatest in animals with low initial testosterone and DHT values. Under the conditions of this study, the data suggest that: (1) serum testosterone and DHT rise in only some male rabbits after sexual excitement (with or without intromission), (2) the rises in serum testosterone and DHT are dependent on a small transient increase in serum LH and (3) sexual excitement is less likely to cause release of LH-RH in bucks with raised serum testosterone and DHT concentrations.

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